01. The Scriptures are Inspired by God

02. There is only One True God

03. The Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ (Human & Divine)

04. Man Willingly Fell to Sin

05. Every Person Can Have Restored Fellowship with God through Salvation

06. Two Ordinances: Water Baptism by Immersion & Holy Communion (The Lord's Supper)

07. Baptism in the Holy Spirit is a Special Experience Following Salvation.

08. The Church has a Mission

09. A Divinely Called and Scripturally Ordained Leadership Ministry Serves the Church

10. Divine Healing for the Sick is a Privilege for Christians Today

11. The Blessed Hope: When Jesus Raptures His Church Prior to His Return to Earth

12. The Millennial Reign of Christ

13. A Final Judgement Will Take Place.

14. New Heaven and New Earth 

Expanded Version of our Statement of Faith

Our Core Values

“To be a Christian without prayer is no more possible than to be alive without breathing”  –Martin Luther King, Jr. 

We are a community that seeks to experience and carry the presence of God with us everywhere we go. That means that as a church, we will pray together corporately when we meet together and individually throughout our day to day lives. We know and understand that we can do nothing without the direction and guidance that God gives us through regular conversation with him.

1 Timothy 2;1-2; 1 Thessalonians 5:17; Luke 5:16

We are a unified group of individuals. Whatever your race, gender, age or distinguishing factors of life, we believe you can be a part of our community. The Bible gives a great example of community by using the word picture of a human body. Our body’s various parts and systems work together to function successfully and bring us life. We believe that we all have a vital part to play in this community. We strive to create an environment where we journey through life together. Our mindset is each individual is invaluable and irreplaceable. 

1 Corinthians 12;12-27; Hebrews 10:23-25

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit. We believe in giving God our best because we were created to worship Him with our lives. This means that we will take what God has given us and do our best with it. We have one life to live so we better make it worth it! So join us as we strive to dream, plan, create and follow through everything we do with excellence.

Ecclesiastes 9:10; Proverbs 21:5

The definition of failure is doing the same thing over and over again, yet expecting different results. We believe that changing our methods without changing the message is vital to fulfilling our mission. We live in a progressive and changing world. We strive to be open to change because growing things are always changing. We never want to become comfortable and will strive to create an environment that is open to creative methods and expression. 

1 Corinthians 9:20-23

We believe in sharing with other churches and organizations around our community, nation and ultimately the world to show the love of Christ and love our neighbor as ourselves. We want to partner with others to wage war on issues of poverty, homelessness, hunger, and abuse. As a part of the Church as a whole, we believe that it is our responsibility to address these barriers in our world while bringing the message of Christ. If that means we can work with others who have the same cause, then we will do that. Disunity causes confusion, wastes energy, and limits effectiveness. Let’s partner together!

Philippians 2:2; 1 Thessalonians 5:14-22

“The creation of a thousand forests is in one acorn.” –Ralph Waldo Emerson

We strive to be a church that never becomes comfortable with our current circumstances. We intentionally maintain a missional mindset, which pushes us to seek to reproduce disciples, leaders and ultimately plant other churches. We see in the book of Acts, that Christ admonished his followers to reach out to their immediate surrounding community but not to stay comfortable with just that. He also instructed them to go further by reaching the surrounding nations and ultimately the world! We will multiply.

Acts 1:8

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